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The Center for Mental Health Promotion was founded in 1995 with the broad mission of exploring ways of promoting mental health in children and families. Research from attachment research and insights from psychoanalysis has shown that contingent, responsive parenting can lead to the most favorable outcomes for children in terms of their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical health.  Information about this, particularly the challenges that parents face is included on this site.  Also, organizations that are committed to improving societal conditions that can impact this process are featured within.



Contact the Center

Gary Cox-Steiner, Ph.D.


Board of Directors


Gary R. Cox-Steiner, Ph.D.

President- CMHP


Bayport, N.Y.


Jenny Cox-Steiner, Ph.D.

Vice President/ Treasurer- CMHP


Bayport, New York


Paul Ginnetty, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Director- Institute for Study of Religion in the Community

St. Joseph’s College

Patchogue, New York


Barbara Goldberg, Ph.D.


Richmond, Virginia


Susan Kowalchuk, M.Ed.


Emmaus, Pennsylvania


Lorinda Price, M.D., MPH


Tampa, Florida


Neal Simon, Ph.D.

Professor of Biological Sciences

Lehigh University

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania






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