Center for Mental Health Promotion

Jude Cassidy
For contributions to the theory of
attachment representations,
elevating attachment scholarship,
and generous mentoring
in the Bowlby-Ainsworth tradition.
Dante Cicchetti
For unparalleled scholarship and
innovative research on the importance
of experience in development,
and for securing the place of attachment theory
in developmental psychopathology.
E. Mark Cummings
For innovative research on the effects
of early exposure to family violence
and for conceptualizing and measuring
the continuum of Emotional Security.
Magaly Noblega
For innovative intervention studies
of maternal care and infant security
and for supporting attachment relationships
research in Latin America.
Harriet Waters
For insights into the cognitive structure
of attachment representations,
clarifying the Internal Working Models concept,
and measuring script-like attachment representations
across the lifespan.