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​​​Following are sites and articles detailing the scope of the problem and potential solutions that address the improvement of early relational health.  This can ultimately lead to the enhancement of the mental health of children and families.


Promoting Social Emotional Development and Early Childhood 

Mental Health in Young Children: A Roadmap for Long Island

from Help Me Grow (


- This roadmap proposes the steps needed to guide Long Island, NY in building systems that ensure all young children are supported to reach their optimal development. This proposal features strengthening existing programs and building new evidence-based initiatives to fill gaps and scale up.


Zero to Three resources:

​-  State of Babies Yearbook: A comprehensive overview of where we are as a nation in the treatment of our children

​- Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Supports and Services:

A Planning Tool for States and Communities

​- Policy and Advocacy


The Center for Law and Social Policy

- Policy Change to Promote Early Relational Health

with Zero to Three:  Building Strong Foundations: Advancing Comprehensive Policies for Infants, Toddlers, and Familie


The Family and Youth Institute 

-   Infant Mental Health Toolkit

This toolkit addresses Infant Mental Health, an integral component of raising a healthy child, and provides readings and practical tips for you to better understand your child, foster a positive parent-child relationship, and exercise personal self-care.



-   Early Moments Matter

UNICEF’s Early Moments Matter campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of healthy brain development in the earliest years of life, increase investment by governments and businesses in Early Childhood Development programmes, policies and services, and support parents and caregivers to give their children the best start in life.


The following two articles are from Harvard's Center on the Developing Child:

- Establishing a Level Foundation for Life: Mental Health Begins in
Early Childhood


- A New Framework for Science-Informed Investment in the Early Foundations of Health and Development

The resources in this guide are designed to support the efforts of change agents across a rich diversity of sectors, cultures, geographies, and political perspectives to drive a critical re-envisioning of the field.


World Health Organization​​

- Promoting Mental Health


American Academy of Pediatrics

-m Addressing Social Health and Early Childhood Wellness Initiative



Early Relational Health

David Willis, MD


Can lifestyle medicine improve global mental health?

Steven G. Sugden, Gia Merlo, Sam Manger 


PRiSM- Promoting Research-informed State IECMH Policies 


Saving Brains: A partnership led by Grand Challenges Canada, in partnership with The Center on the Developing Child

(Includes an informative video) 


The following articles are from the US Department of H and HS:


Behavioral Health Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect


Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect


Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development


The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse:

An Overview and a Call to ActionFrom the Journal of General Internal Medicine 


Childhood Emotional Neglect: How It Can Impact You Now and Later

Kimberly Holland- Healthline


Parenting Related to Child and Parental Psychopathology:

A Descriptive Review of the Literature


Separation Is Never Ending: Attachment Is a Human Right

From Jessica Borelli in Psychology Today

Article aimed at understanding the negative consequences of our border policies Why 40 researchers say attachment is a basic right and separation a clear wrong.


Here’s What It’s Like To Live In A Country That Actually Cares About Mothers- Huffpost







These three areas focus on different
aspects of mental health promotion

Early Identification and Intervention, with emphasis on pediatric practices integrating early relational health

Increased access to Parent Programs

Social-Emotional Support: Daycare through secondary education


Mental Health- Strategies and Resources


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